Monday, July 6, 2009

Losing my best friend

On Monday June 29, 2009, I lost my best friend since the 1st grade. Still numb to the reality of his absence, an empty void has been left in my heart. On a plane heading to Arkansas, I thought of the R. Kelly song " I Wish" and I immediately felt each word that was sung. Dandrick, my brother, my ace, my friend, I am yearning for one more day. I know God's plan was much bigger than yours and mines both, but I am not in a position of understanding as of yet. I am angry, not with God, but of the reality of you not being here with your closest friends and family. You were an impeccable friend with good judgment and character. A man chasing God's heart, a husband, father figure to many children, a leader, and a great son. A man is not only measured by his word, but also, by his action. I am here to tell the world that you will be truly missed. We were known as the best ball players in school. You were Magic Johnson; I was James Worthy. Our abilities as bball players was unbelieveable to many. We had dreams of playing professional ball and buying our parents homes, cars, etc...We dreamt big. I will never forget the unconditional friendship you gave me my boy. Your spirit and drive to be the helpmeet for others will forever live within me. My God and Savior, thank you for giving me 28 years of friendship from Dandrick Moton. Rest well my brother...til we meet again.