This will be the year that I subject myself to change. I lost people in my life that I thought I would grow old with. I lost things in my life that I thought I needed. I heard things about me that were true, but I could not validate the truths because of my pride. I have fallen from the mountaintop, yet I still strive to move forth to a better place. Lord, forgive me for my transgressions. For I have sinned and I seek to move forth in your glory. Lord, your mercies have humbled me, carried me through many storms, and yor grace and mercy has allowed me to awake every morning to the chirping of birds. I am grateful. I do not always say / do the right things, but I really need you right now Father. I miss talking with you, worshipping your holy name, loving person(s) as YOU love me. This is an open cry-an open invite for you Lord to show me that pathway I need to take to become a better man, friend, father, and son because my time is running out of time.