Sunday, February 11, 2018

No noise heard. Only the thumping sound of my heart hurt and wounded. Wounded by love. Love, once hoped and prayed for, would turn its back on me. Almost as one swimming in the dark, destination blinded by the lack of... Numb from it all. Vowed to give my best. The best I surrender upon you. I loved hard, faithfully and sincere. Is genuine love not enough?? Your doors were opened and held wide. I kissed you with purpose and sincerity. I held your hand with my chest out. The "S" on my chest represented Super. I was "S"uper in love with you. Never wanting to let you go. My dreams were your reality. Your dreams were mines to make true. Regardless of the storms that made there way into our lives, I vowed to never walk away. True love endures. Its sharpens. Its debates. It thrives. It continues...Beyond the course. So I prayed. And. Prayed again and again. The noise began to decrease the more I prayed. As much as I needed to hear your voice, the one person who loves me truly made their voice heard. Complete silence. Only to hear the thumping sound of my heart...healing.