Wanted to go somewhere to cleanse of my mind of the many sins I committed when I talked down to you;
Fairy-taled conclusions, remorseful of the lack of time I did not take to re-invent the truthfulness of the love shared.
Bottled in my own comfort zone, I could not face the reality that losing you was like stabbing my own self in the chest;
At best, I cried. But the weeping never seemed to want to stop.
I reached out beyond the confinements of my ego and pride and shouted out at the top of my lungs that Lord, I am sorry.
Silence deafened me; Muted by the serenity of the clashing of the waves, the thwarting of the flock of birds heading south-my spirit close in flight behind.
Etching my critical thoughts line by line in the moist sand's inbox,
the subject was unclear, the conclusion remained steadfast.
My lies were predicated on selfishness-I am alone.
My heart feels the pain as if it was giving birth to twins-still alone.
My journey, as I pray without ceasing, caused an eruption of all the parts of my body that was built out of love, realizing that because of my actions: I deserve to be alone.
On the way, I went. I travelled myself to a place that I could feel love in its truest form.
Where I could cry and not be ashamed; Where I could reform my transgressions and make a brand new start.
No more polluted entries to invade my bodily functions; No more pollution to hinder my out loud cries.
Furthered by purpose, strengthened by faith, carried by love,
I stretched my arms out, wrapped them around God's bosom, HE lifted me up, patted me on my back, and stroked my head and said, " Son, follow me."