Saturday, May 28, 2011

Are you really listening?

Can I have a moment my lady? We are so close, yet our Love is so far away. Seemingly, when we try to take two steps forward, we end up taking ten steps backwards. When I talk, you talk. When you talk, I talk. Two people talking at the top of their lungs, but no ears are open for listening. I said I love you five times in a row, but you kept bickering on trying to conclude your points of emphasis. I said I am sorry for my irresponsibilities, but you turned your back on me. Looking at you wearisomely in the eyes, I asked, " So what do you want me to say or do?" "Listen to me," she exhaled.
She says, "Lover we are so close, yet I feel as if our love has departed. Every time I wanna move forward, I have a Michael Jackson moment where I feel entrenched to moonwalk backwards. We are always talking over each other-no resolution is branded. You never tell me You love me or take responsibility for your actions. Thats why I cannot look at you and why my back is always facing forward."
So, with a sense of agitation in her voice, she says, "Is there something you expect from me?
With no reluctancy, I turned my back on her...

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