Thursday, June 30, 2011

Rebirth-Day 4

I picked up my old Love Dare book and began flipping through the pages to see how far I had gotten. I think I made it to Day 12 before giving up. Why is it so important to have Love in your life? Why do I need that right now? In the end, I realize now how important Family is and that "running the streets" has no ending point but death.
I read Psalm 119 (Thanks Michelle) and it really helped me grasp God's unfailing love that I am guilty of forgetting sometimes during my worse times.
I asked God for a clean heart. I asked the Lord to be the light under my feet and order my pathway. Right now, my life has many road blocks and I need strength to get over each hurdle that keeps me inward.
I pray for restoration of my family, love, peace, and joy. Please pray for me.

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