Monday, July 25, 2011

Rebirth Day-12

Searching the deepest waters attempting to find forgiveness that is buried deeply behind your bitterness and anger. Becoming frustrated that Love has traveled eastward while my arms are wide open, though my eyes are not focused on the finish line before me. Sorrowed and remorseful about awful decisions I made. But Loved watching the way your Pretty wings soared...I found hope as I stared gracefully at them.
Many days I stared loneliness in its stark and eery state-I befriended it and took some of its intrinsic characteristics which tended to slumber my disposition.
To the end of the earth, I will find you again. I will not be the problem, but the solution as I should have been.
No longer will I Love with my head down and not allow myself to see the true essence of beauty that contains the very factors that coincide with the many love ballads that play tribute to my love for you.
Each captured, photographed, and unspoken through endless love making up until WE birth another you.
Stay open and humble my Love because when I find you I will know exactly what to do with you.

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