Monday, September 3, 2012

Right on Time!

A collective walk along the earth's shoreline talking against the clouds repelling thoughts upon thoughts waiting patiently for a wave of responses. Singing with a distinctive baritone making rhythmic music with the crashing sound of the waves sifting through the noise anticipating my answers have finally been delivered. I stopped for a second. Supplanted my knees unto the soft sand which held me upright and I proceeded to extend my arms towards heaven's platform. My thoughts were bewildered and for minutes in succession lost hope taking me a direction where my heart was being anchored in deepened waters. Take me as I am oH Lord and create in me a creature for you likeness and purpose. For my purpose is celebratory through selfish plights and contradictory words. I refuse to carry weight of confusion as I step into another season of my life. Carried by the will of God, I set forth to a new awakening pioneered by a new way of thinking, reacting, and loving. No longer a product of substantial sin, I extend my arms beyond the tips of my fingers and I yell out "No More GOD." I yell out as hard as my lungs could expand leaving me without breath followed by an exhausted cry. Daring myself to be different, the lure of sin keeps me farther away from the kingdom of which is promised. Mumbling words of forgiveness while my exhausted cries opened the clouds above me, a bird lands alongside my left knee and taps me ever so gently with its dull beak. Startled by the dull attack, a quick knee jerk reaction makes me stand on my two feet, but I did not flee. The bird circled me like surveyed food and finally nests on my right shoulder. Flapping his wings with undeniable power, his claws gripping into my shoulder, the bird was lifting me. Feeling powerless, my body adjusted to the gripping of the birds claws. I am flying! I am flying! I look down to see my body still standing upright, arms extended beyond my fingertips with my head down in surrender. The Lord was ridding of the bad spirit of me and cleansing my spiritman to HIS likeness to become a new man of thoughts were answered, right on time!


Unknown said...

Very powerful and uplifting....

Jermon E. Cooks said...

Thank you for reading.

QueenBee111 said...

Not many men can admit their weakness regarding their sins and seeking the kingdom of god. It is very refreshing to see that you can speak on how important his presence is in your life. Love it!