Sunday, December 4, 2016

I daydream in quiet. Letting the nearness of the thought processes comfort me. The struggle to find consistency in love has strengthened my doubt to ever find. Alone I feel. Maybe one day an arm will wrap itself around my heart blanketing my insecurities. Projecting my wants upon the world, sing aloud, too tired of playing stop-and-go with relationship desires-In search of what is needed, can do without the want. Just want to find miss forever so I can romance her with my eyes and say forever, ever, forever, ever...And watch our smiles slash through the midnight sky like a shooting star. As I am staring through the window praying in advance for your presence to be revealed, "God is good" I exhale in joy. Love is nearing. But I struggle in wait. My un-Godly acts create doubt. It feels good to be held sometimes. Winter looms over my bed-leaving only myself to hold. Kissing the night good-bye, another day to self-improve, I will continue to daydream in quiet. Love I am ready to embrace you. Are you ready to embrace me?