Thursday, December 28, 2017


Time was what was necessary. Dreams of holy matrimony engaged my thoughts. That day kissing my bride under the cherry moon, etched carefully across my heart,rehearsed and photographed, produced a blank photo. I was in love with your "dont do's" never contemplating any less but giving you every ounce of my being. Cherishing every breath you took. Loving you into tomorrow's sun; breathing life into your spirit one scripture, one prayer at a time. I could not fathom why the photo remained blank just when the "I do" was silently manifested. I needed to see your smile in the photo. My mind settles with yes, but my heart sirens no. Cold feet? No. Hardened heart? No. YOU turned stone cold. Like love served you an eviction notice. All I wanted was your everything. I wanted to be your everything...365 days every year. I did not care who was your first kiss; I wanted to be your last. Your eyes told no truths. So what are we doing?

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