Saturday, December 25, 2021

Embracing A Healed Heart

I did not have a single word to loan; in fact, my heart, buried in hurt, had no energy to center. Dormant, dark, and desolate thoughts on repeat (why oh why) did I feel the way I did. Something was missing within. A cunning thief, during the cusp of midnight, took my heart with no regard of helping me heal. Lying face up in bed, secluded from the rest of the world, ashamed and drifting away in sorrow because in my heart lived my ego, my happiness, my dreams, and my visions. It was where I stored our future wedding day. Every action of proving my worth was manifested through time, unconditional love and sacrifice. But the sacrifice was compromised by someone's inability to embrace a healed heart. Instead of accepting its proclaimed richness, my heart was placed on a string like a yo-yo. Expending so much energy for her, my heart, buried in hurt, had no energy to center. Why was it so hard for her to embrace a healed heart?

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