Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Godspeed for the year of 2009

Over the past couple of years, I have been relentlessly trying to live my life at my own pace-doing what is comfortable for me. As comfortable as I was becoming, things in my life were not getting accomplished. Though we live in the world, we do not have to do things of the world. I need to do things in order-Godspeed. I am...an intellectual introvert who battles with "disappointments" on a daily basis. Food for thoughts, huh? How about food for action? Speaking my mind is something that I can express through many medias. But, my actions, yes...my actions are my downfall because my actions never become to be. As the clock struck 12:00am and January 1st became official, flashes of all the promises, deadlines, job restraints, family, career choices wrapped their places in my heart...but there was still emptiness-a void. Hmmmm...I work everyday to earn a paycheck; I buy items of fashion to produce individual sex appeal; I write stories and poetry because it humbles my heart, but as much of a Christian man that I claim to be...I do not give God enough time. I make excuses. I do not make excuses when I have to report to work; I make sure to drive to mall to start to process of creating 'sex appeal'. God has done so much for me and I have done so little to praise, honor and worship him.
He is the king of all kings, the Lord of all Lords...when I think about the sacrifice that God has done for someone like me who sins on a daily basis...wow! I am still living and breathing when I know I was one of the Satan's puppets. Because of his grace and mercy and of his stripes, I am healed. Though we live in the world, we do not have to do things of the world. For 2009, I am striving to do things-Godspeed. I have a testimony...an unspoken one


Titonya said...

God is good all the time and we should give him most of our focus. I hope all is well in your spiritual life as well as your physical life. God knows your heart and that is something you can never hide. As long as your heart is with him pure and true and your intentions are pure and true you should accomplish so many things. I pray that you do well in all you want to accomplish. God Bless!

Charita said...

You know we serve an awesome God..He will never leave us nor forsake us..He is very forgiving..Yet we tend to sometimes take Him for granted..I am definitely guilty of not spending time with God..I know that "I am" simply because of Him and without Him I am nothing..I love that the fact that you want to give more time to God..You will be greatly rewarded for that..Just remember to keep God first and everything else will fall right in place..May God bless you and all that you strive for. :)