I wanted to find that 'special place' where could discuss how we can create a new meaning of love; where you could lay your head on my chest and talk your little heart away as I listen, without response, thinking how wonderful of a man you make me feel. God did not make a mistake allowing me have the nearness of you under the shadows of the dim light. Its so amazing how we went from casual conversation about our life's goals to wedding dresses and tuxedos to having our first child. Moment after moment after moment, the love that we share ceases to quench the very thirst of what my heart yearns for.
Each candle represents a sun ray of light that makes a home within your inner-soul. You are so amazing as you re-construct my heart that was once broken into milli-pieces of hopelessness.
There is No ME without YOU. There is No Fiction attached to your Love. I want to come HOME.
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