Monday, September 5, 2011

Rebirth Day-15

I sit in solitude wondering how did I get to this place where I am restricted from placing my arms around you. Weary from the confusion of the cards life has dealt me, I attempt to reach out beyond the restrictive barriers of these jail bars, yet, you are so far out of my reach. I yell out "Come back, Come back...I am sorry Honey" but as I wiped the tears away from my eyes that blurred me from glancing at you one more time, within that nano-second you were gone.
How can I protect you baby?
How can I make love to you baby?
How can I date you baby?
No way can I picture you with another man baby!
How can I be a full-time father to our kids baby?
I am guilty as charged. My pride separated us. My ego divorced us. But my Love for you gives me hope for us.

1 comment:

Rae said...

Your words are Breathtaking!