Wasn't the best listener / Wasn't the best friend at times / Didn't always do the things that mattered most in my heart / I yearn for a re-start / Where we could interlock our hands once again and remind you how much I need you here / This re-start is lonely and scary / No one to lay my feelings to rest upon / No one to kiss good-night / No one to wake up happy to / No one to battle life with / I was a second late / I had stopped briefly to pick up some flowers for you / Cause I know my moods seemed to always get to you /We battled everyday to solve issues that pushed us further and further apart / 11 years of hope / salted and dissolved in one single tear / I cried for months / starving my feelings on confusion and fear / Fear is not of God / I stopped crying / Instead / I mourned the lost of love, hope, and faith that We would be ok / But those days are far and few / But / never allowing separation to take away the Love between You and I that is Heavenly true / I will always love you through the test of time / My heart is on the line / cause I still see you as mine / Forever we will be / The crying, remorse, disappointment will remain / as will my tears.
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