Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Rebirth Day-20

My heart and mind had a contest: Who could heal first.
My heart had a huge hole in its core where the blood flow was minimal and sometimes leaking in places that were uncommon.
On the other hand, my mind, always thinking and plotting about things I physically cannot control, found refuge in bullshit and confusion. No longer a product of my past: Newness has finally found a home.


MALIA said...

WOW....thank you for sharing,. I too sometimes find comfort in bullshit and confusion *shrugging shoulders* NICE WRITE!!!!!

Rae said...

very relatable my Friend..

Unknown said...

I can understand this and relate. SMH but sometimes things happen for a reason. Its called "free will" but, thank God, the past is past, and I'm moving forward.