I stared at your picture over and over and over again trying to conclude that no matter the circumstance my heart will never put a period on how I truthfully feel about you. From the time when I dimmed the lights, lit a candle and gently watched my princess become a queen before my very eyes, I wrapped both arms around you grasping tighter and tighter in coordination with my nervous heartbeat-I was falling in love with you at that very moment.
When I opened my eyes, you were no longer in my arms. I called out for you, but through distance and time I lost you. I fell to my knees with hope that if i prayed and prayed and prayed that God would honor my outcries and bring you back.
Never to kiss you again. Never to say "I Love You again. Never did i see you again. Never did I feel the trembles of my heart when you stared through me and placed me in an atmosphere of joy and perfect serenity.
That chain that wrapped itself around my mind, body, and spirit was caused by not wanting to outgrow the love founded by US.
I needed to move on, find a way, and get to that place where God could transform me into His purposeful bliss.
But why do I keep fighting a battle that has already been won?
Why do I still taste you on my lips?
If the heart is a muscle, then why does it get so weak when i see you afar?
When does my love say Goodbye?
Cause it feels like love does not say Good-bye...it just replaces (HMMMMMM)
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