Thursday, October 25, 2012
Published Rose
There was a sense of hope when our lips touched for the very first time.
For a moment I let myself go,
feeling liberated and free.
Skin to skin we embraced, eyes widening to the rays of the sunrise that was dawning between our stares.
Oh beautiful you are dear lady. Your smile justifies how one defines happiness. As I draw nearer to the special place that NO man has dared to go, without wearing a life jacket around my heart, my love takes intermediate strokes aiming to swim beyond your heart's threshold. Not here to place claim on you lady. But the plan is to change your last name lady. I take a firm position, interlocking my fingers unto yours. Just as the sun began to dawn, I state promising words of lasting meaning with no negative repercussions. Your palms begin to moisten. Your eyes fixated by the positioning of my lips compounding illustrative sentences of in-depth imagery of what my heart is producing me to say. A long sigh I took. One tear from your eyes tried to take refuge by sliding down your cheek: I caught it, tasted was as sweet as you.
I looked up into the sun's horizon and I knew God had forgiven me. God had forgiven me because he gave me another chance of love by promising me You.
Ah, my love so much to do yet so little time...
You asked if we could look TOGETHER into the sun's horizon..
I asked, "Why?"
You said, "If God gave you another chance of love by promising me to You, then lets give HIM all the glory, honor and praise for never faltering on HIS promise!"
The sun sets.
Tuesday, September 18, 2012
Await for me. Love for me. Live life in detail with me.
Meet me at the end of the rainbow where the gold sits in plenty.
We are enriched, favored, and prayed for in Love.
You have made the transition easy...
I will await for you. Cultivating our Love one day at a time. I will Love and Honor you in detail.
I have never saw a rainbow in a person(s) eyes until I met you.
Friday, September 14, 2012
A Published Rose
When I met you, I knew you were the other half of my heart.
Awaiting in love, the embrace of home I felt as I buried my soul within yours.
Flavored on-time kisses, aroused by the anxiety of you finally near me, shouting with great elation I can finally rest-just hold me my love.
Let us experience love in great grandeur and continuous passion where our thoughts become our truths, the beauty of monogamy succeeds us; bridging example-ship for the world to experience and see firsthand.
The way your eyes experiences me in so I become a great lover to you. Loving your womanhood the way it relates to things of joy that secretly creates joyous tears of celebration.
Moment after moment I carve my love ever so gently through your spirit that defines the birth of a woman whose passion goes beyond the boundaries of love's defining thirst of finding a home of forever.
Skin to Skin we lay. The silent moans while you sleep keeps me in tune with my duties to protect you as you sleep.
Hoping you are dreaming of how I am whispering "I Love You" as you sleep-dream skin to skin and as I hope-dream my lips upon your lips.
My heart is safe. No longer do I have to look behind me to see If I left HOPE behind. I found you.
The very essence of what was meant for me has proven that my patience and obedience to God his promise of deliverance is right on time.
No matter how much the world's powers and principalities philosophies set out to do, I will remain a righteous and faithful lover in our forever plan of holy commitment.
I will finish the race. We will win. We will rejoice in unison.
Let the holy waters cleanse us, strengthen us, and complete the reconstruction of our tender hearts.
Monday, September 3, 2012
Right on Time!
A collective walk along the earth's shoreline talking against the clouds repelling thoughts upon thoughts waiting patiently for a wave of responses. Singing with a distinctive baritone making rhythmic music with the crashing sound of the waves sifting through the noise anticipating my answers have finally been delivered. I stopped for a second. Supplanted my knees unto the soft sand which held me upright and I proceeded to extend my arms towards heaven's platform. My thoughts were bewildered and for minutes in succession lost hope taking me a direction where my heart was being anchored in deepened waters. Take me as I am oH Lord and create in me a creature for you likeness and purpose. For my purpose is celebratory through selfish plights and contradictory words. I refuse to carry weight of confusion as I step into another season of my life. Carried by the will of God, I set forth to a new awakening pioneered by a new way of thinking, reacting, and loving. No longer a product of substantial sin, I extend my arms beyond the tips of my fingers and I yell out "No More GOD." I yell out as hard as my lungs could expand leaving me without breath followed by an exhausted cry. Daring myself to be different, the lure of sin keeps me farther away from the kingdom of which is promised. Mumbling words of forgiveness while my exhausted cries opened the clouds above me, a bird lands alongside my left knee and taps me ever so gently with its dull beak. Startled by the dull attack, a quick knee jerk reaction makes me stand on my two feet, but I did not flee. The bird circled me like surveyed food and finally nests on my right shoulder. Flapping his wings with undeniable power, his claws gripping into my shoulder, the bird was lifting me. Feeling powerless, my body adjusted to the gripping of the birds claws. I am flying! I am flying! I look down to see my body still standing upright, arms extended beyond my fingertips with my head down in surrender.
The Lord was ridding of the bad spirit of me and cleansing my spiritman to HIS likeness to become a new man of thoughts were answered, right on time!
Monday, August 20, 2012
Thursday, July 12, 2012
Rebirth Day 30: The Prelude to the 2nd Coming...
So many things left unsaid; salted tears introduced themselves to my pillow at night.
The very essence of me wanted to embrace the love of you without allowing hurt to become you. Guided travels to places of corruption, filth, and the misconceptions of the man I truly was placed blinders upon my eyes creating pathways of hopelessness with a pinch of despair, troubling, because I was so close to finding change. Why could I not make the decision to stop the nonsense? Was this game of Hide-Go-Seek that my heart displaced in its own misery only to be lost in its own ventricular seduction bound to die?
A barrier, like the Berlin wall, separated my love and my ego...
As much as my love would rain roses from the sky, both red and blue, my ego did not allow me to sacrifice the ultimate guarantee of loving you without blemish. Wearing down, my body began to change: the functionality of how I conceptualized love and relationships, fore-saw realities, and the subtle longing for a "miracle" to set me free never developed into fruition. I craved for the attention of things that set me adrift far away from the front door that I had a permanent key to. The key, crafted to unlock the entry way, withered away along with I. My voice was muted from the pain inflicted by selfishness. A plead to take me as I am no longer carried weight: It carried misery, deceit, and mistrust. I was dying physically, emotionally, and spiritually. I pleaded,"God, I am not ready for the next step in my life. I need time. I need prayer. I need cleansing. I need love bad, God. Why now Lord?"
Numerous attempts to walk down the right pathway led me astray from the people that loved me unconditionally. I sought to be a better man. I did not make it. As I pulled up and knocked ever so gently on your door, I wanted to see you. I wanted to feel your breath on my neck as we embraced. I wanted to spot a kiss on the top of your nose and watch the tickle effect of it make you laugh and smile. As you opened the door, I looked in comfort then my heart stopped. Your last words I could hear, "I will never stop loving you." In response, I tried to say "I see you soon", but my internal clock was thumping too loud for me to voice my words.
Ironically, I saw you. I felt your breath on my neck. You kissed me on the top of my nose. In spirit, I laughed and smile. I passed away knowing that you will never stop loving me.
My spirit rose and I asked, "Why now Lord?" HE responded, "There is something special I need you to do...I am going to bathe you, cleanse you, teach you how to pray and love all over again...and send you back HOME to be the example-ship of my love...
Love Fiction: The Rebirth Of My Heart releasing on Thanksgiving Day....
Thank you all for reading my 30-Day Rebirth series...It has been a cleansing for me and has helped with the healing process of all the things I have endured.
Friday, June 15, 2012
Rebirth Day 29

Tuesday, May 29, 2012
Rebirth Day 28
My mind creates its own highway of thoughts filled with commuting ideas with how I will restart my journey to find my own inner-truths. Once weakened by remorse, frustrated with my compassion, and eager to set adrift to a new conclusion, I beckon my God to take this lofty-minded man into HIS framework of obedience, guidance and love. The years of taking advantage of those whose loved the painted areas of my soul received a raw deal, yet the evolution of what was to become of the friendship grew thorns that sharply sliced the life out of those who sincerely loved me. Never did I abandon hope. Never did I waiver with explosive remedies that kept me in tune with reality. Never did I believe that I was a quitter. God created me to love: Unconditionally, safely, with wise-counsel; and without fault. Listen, I had to admit my short-comings, insecurities, mistakes, and I even dined with Satan on occasion. On his menu he had everything contrary to God's promise, wait, wait, but it was costly.
Smoking mirrors, sanity lost, no hope, driven by lust...emotional breakdown.
"But in all these things we overwhelmingly conquer through Him who loved us. 38 For I am convinced that neither death, nor life, nor angels, nor principalities, nor things present, nor things to come, nor powers, 39 nor height, nor depth, nor any other created thing, will be able to separate us from the love of God, which is in Christ Jesus our Lord."
As I was bathing in my own tears, something magical happened...
Thursday, April 12, 2012
Rebirth: Day 27

Wanted to see you one last time,
Nervously rehearsing what my last words would be.
Unable to let go of past failures,
I refused to meet.
Not sure if it was the fear of looking into those very eyes that made love to my soul,
Or the fact of the matter was: I still cry for you.
Though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death,
You always made me feel bigger than my 5'11 frame.
I was your hero, peacemaker, love-maker, anti-heartbreaker,
When wanted, I came running.
One day, I kept running because you stopped wanting.
I stopped loving because you gave up on me.
Once living above the clouds draped in passion and romance,
Literally, dancing with the stars from sunrise to sunset.
Where did the love go?
Why couldn't I stop running baby?
Sleeping without love was lengthening my nights of turmoil baby.
Can we talk about making the commitment "us" a priority?
You said, "No!"
I asked, "Why?"
Your response: "You remind me of the same person who is labeled as the "Father of Lies."
She continued, "When you kept running, I begged for you to stop, but you were so focused on living for the untruths and without disregard of my feelings, my heart hardened, I gave up and died...forever."
Tuesday, March 27, 2012
Rebirth: Day 26

Pressing forward attempting to shift my heart into a new home,
Seemingly, in love for a lifetime, but love decided to move on.
Standing as tall as one could, I fought for what I thought was true,
And what I thought was true was the obvious reason I was battling for the love of you.
The death of me felt near,
On bended knees,
Asking the Lord to ease my fear,
I always played the game to win.
But when the white flag was raised,
I knew I lost my best friend.
No energy abound to construct my thoughts,
The perils of feeling sorry for myself,
Brought on depression, hopelessness, and self-doubt.
I loved loving you.
My earthed angel-plentiful and wholesome
Your beauty and kindness awe-strucked my conservative heart
Governing me to vote that I would one day de-wed.
I wish I could have "changed clothes" and gave you monogamy,
Followed by lifelong memories of smiles, laughter, children, and volunteering kisses on your front lobe as each night ends.
Feeling as though my mind drowns itself with peculiar thoughts,
Though time as taken me down a different pathway,
I will never muster up my lips to say Good-bye.
Love, I will see you again: In love and in Truth.
Love, hear my outcries because SOON I will be coming back for you.
Monday, March 19, 2012
Rebirth Day 25

As the finish line becomes in plainer view, I nervously stare behind me for a milli-second at my non-forgiving past that tries to seduce me about those days where my pride and ego was the center of attention. Finding growth within myself, wanting to move on to a better place in my mind so that my actions will super-exceed my words so I can become someone's real life super hero. But the teetering back and forth of controlling what is right takes a back seat allowing my carnal-mind to long for the affection of a womanly touch placing me in a state of physical sin and regret. Tired of sounding like a broken record to My Lord and Savior proclaiming time and time again that "I am sorry; forgive me; i will never do it again" but making myself believe that my needs comes before God's purpose and plan. So I fall victim to me and the conclusion of my worldly thinking creates a separation between my prayer life and my relationship with God. Ashamed by the details of my actions both impromptu and without rationale, I stare at my bible hoping it would magically open and speak to me. My hands of filth, deception, and lack of control dares not to touch the holiness of God's living word because every layer of the skin that protects my bones would burn in hell. I short-breath God to touch me, create pathways of new hope, clearer vision, and mount in my chest a new heart, and as the Scarecrow in the Wizard of Oz wanted-a brain that cognitively sees things for what they truly are, not for the moments that be. Never would I imagine that praying for a "Rebirth" sort of speak seems more like a relapse as I speak.
Wednesday, January 25, 2012
Rebirth Day 24

I want the whole world to know that I am you and you are me. We are going to make history my love by allowing our dedication and devotion to the love we share be the example-ship of how a man and woman are suppose to love.
I honor my whole heart in providing a place of rest where I can download every beat of your heart and create a dot com and provide testimonial words of hope for others in love.
Wanting you in every earthly facet, I am ready to take US to a different level. A level where you can hold me accountable for my actions. Hold me accountable for loving the little things about you. Hold me accountable for dating, wanting, hugging, and making love to the areas where no man has every attempted to go.
I am your protector and soldier. I will fight the Desert Storms in your Life. I am your Rock and I will provide moments of laughter, of joy, and of happiness. Your smile will be the evidence that I am All Man in every way.
In love, I will never allow a tear to jab its way from your eyes. Your eyes will dance as you look through me and see my favorite song being played through my soul. Love you more tomorrow then I did yesterday. Will love you forever if you promise to stand with me forever. You are me and I am you. No wavering. No good-byes. Many kisses good night!
Until our hearts meet again...
I will be optimistically waiting in truth.
Tuesday, January 24, 2012
Rebirth Day 23

I stared at your picture over and over and over again trying to conclude that no matter the circumstance my heart will never put a period on how I truthfully feel about you. From the time when I dimmed the lights, lit a candle and gently watched my princess become a queen before my very eyes, I wrapped both arms around you grasping tighter and tighter in coordination with my nervous heartbeat-I was falling in love with you at that very moment.
When I opened my eyes, you were no longer in my arms. I called out for you, but through distance and time I lost you. I fell to my knees with hope that if i prayed and prayed and prayed that God would honor my outcries and bring you back.
Never to kiss you again. Never to say "I Love You again. Never did i see you again. Never did I feel the trembles of my heart when you stared through me and placed me in an atmosphere of joy and perfect serenity.
That chain that wrapped itself around my mind, body, and spirit was caused by not wanting to outgrow the love founded by US.
I needed to move on, find a way, and get to that place where God could transform me into His purposeful bliss.
But why do I keep fighting a battle that has already been won?
Why do I still taste you on my lips?
If the heart is a muscle, then why does it get so weak when i see you afar?
When does my love say Goodbye?
Cause it feels like love does not say just replaces (HMMMMMM)
Thursday, January 19, 2012
Rebirth: Day 22 Let it go (Even if it may Hurt)

I attempt to stay focus with the task at Hand, but the memories of our epic loving-making and placing our initials between the handwritten heart in the all-white sand still has me in disbelief now that your away.
No lies, no preservatives, no hidden agendas, I was just a man seeking the silver and gold of your heart, yet wondering where exactly did i fit in your life.
Looking through your eyes, there i knew, yes there I knew, I went to a place where no Man in your life has ever been before.
Clutching my face with my nervous hands, I say good-bye my love.
We promised that we would never say good bye. That we would hold on the steadiness of what love did for us: It brought us together and there we would be the world's example of how to press through it all through patience and God's diligence.
If the earth trembled, we ran to one other. But I had to say good-bye. I lied to you. I manipulated you. I misrepresented you.
Remember: No lies, no preservatives, no hidden agendas, i SOUGHT the silver and gold of your heart, but I fooled myself to believe I was not the perfect fit in your life.
Instead of building a portfolio of holy matrimony, I built everything that my mind could conjure onto quicksand...
I want to let go.
I want to scream.
I want to cry and feel sorry for myself.
I want to apologize.
I want to feel bitter and angry.
I want to place blame.
i want to feel a pinch of jealousy.
But, I if I can say Good-Bye to the love of my lifetime, I can say Good-Bye to any and all things that negatively distract me.
One moment at a time...
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